The world is a scary place. With the current pandemic, things have become even more unpredictable.
Do you know how to handle yourself in an emergency situation? Can you defend yourself if you’re attacked, robbed, or assaulted?
While most people generally try to avoid provocative questions like these, you need to take a moment, to be honest with yourself. Can you protect yourself and your loved ones if it was required of you?
If there’s even a trace of doubt in your mind, it’s time to do something about it. It’s time to look into Krav Maga online training.
The Benefits of Learning Krav Maga Online
If you don’t know what Krav Maga is, the simple answer is that it’s a physical and mental discipline designed specifically for real-world scenarios. Krav Maga takes a practical approach to self-defence.
Where other martial art forms focus more on the “art” aspect of self-defence, Krav Maga is unique because it focuses on effectiveness and real-world application.
Keep reading to learn the top benefits of Krav Maga online training.
1. Learn At Your Own Pace
There are many reasons why you might choose to learn Krav Maga online. It could be because of social distancing protocols, a lack of confidence, or simply because you prefer the comfort of your own home for learning new skills. Regardless, when you do Krav Maga training at home, you can go at your own pace.
While there’s certainly nothing wrong with in-class instruction, watching instructional Krav Maga videos at home allow you to pause, rewind, and rewatch the demonstrations and explanations. This is incredibly useful for people who like to perfect the skills they learn.
2. Find the Best Instructors
Another important benefit of learning Krav Maga online is that it gives you more options. When you choose to go to local martial art classes, you’re limited to instructors and courses. Depending on your location, there may not even be Krav Maga nearby.
Online training allows you to handpick your instructor, your class, and your training times. This is especially important in times like these when public places are temporarily or permanently shut down and we’re forced to disband group activities. You may not have access to a physical training centre, but you can bring the training centre to your home with online classes.
If you’re not sure how to decide on a course, most online training courses offer a free trial. We highly recommend taking advantage of this to help you make the best decision.
3. Find Classes That Match Your Skill Level
One of the hardest things about joining self-defence or martial arts class is that you never know how you’re going to fit in. While this does include the social aspect of fitting in with the other students, we’re primarily talking about starting at the appropriate skill level.
Even larger dojos and self-defence studios are limited in how they train brand new students. They have varying levels of courses, but starting brand new with a class that’s been at it for months can add a level of intimidation.
Learning Krav Maga online allows you to start at square one, regardless of how long the other students have been there. When doing Krav Maga training at home, there is no pressure or level of intimidation based on skill level. Based on your skill level, you can customize your training with a variety of instructional Krav Maga videos.
4. Train Anywhere, Anytime
Life is busy, you don’t always have time after work to drive to another location to learn self-defence. One of the benefits of learning Krav Maga online is that you can train anywhere, anytime, as long as you have access to the internet.
This is incredibly convenient for people with busy schedules, children at home, or unusual work hours. For example, if you work nights, your ideal training time might be sometime in the middle of the night when most martial arts establishments are closed.
5. Increase Your Awareness
Learning Krav Maga online also helps you improve your self-awareness, environmental-awareness, and situational-awareness. Learning this form of self-defence hones your skill of perception by improving your attention to detail.
This means minimizing your risks on the street as well as being able to spot potential threats to your safety. Krav Maga helps you realize the simple ways in which people are targeted by muggers. For example, criminals often view people who are distracted by phones, tablets, and headphones as soft-targets (those who are easier to take advantage of).
6. Improve Your Physical Conditioning
Next, while it may not be your primary reason for learning Krav Maga online, these classes will help improve your physical conditioning. This perk is invaluable. You may not realize it, but the healthier, stronger, faster, and more conditioned you are, the more effective you will be in emergency situations.
This includes everything from defending yourself and others to carrying someone out of a burning building. We take our health for granted in a world filled with sedentary jobs and endless digital entertainment options.
Over half of the UK population is either overweight or obese, which has a significant impact on your overall health, life expectancy, and as mentioned above, you efficacy in real-world situations.
7. Gain Confidence
Finally, learning Krav Maga online instils you with a sense of confidence you may not have had before. Whether it’s because you’re learning skills to defend yourself, improving your self-awareness, or are becoming more physically fit, you simply feel better about yourself.
However, confidence plays a much larger role in our lives than changing our self-perception. People respect confidence in others (assuming it hasn’t escalated to arrogance). Additionally, appearing confident in public makes you less likely to be targeted by criminals.
Ready to Start Krav Maga Online Training?
If you’re ready to change your life for the better by improving your confidence, your competence, and your physical health, we can help. Take a look at our Krav Maga online training pricing plans to see what best suits your budget. And feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to working together to help you see what you’re capable of!